SIMULATED JURY - by Ione Michele
On May 18th at Maria José de Miranda Burity School there was another action of our Project Social Medias: Sharing Human Values. This action came from a collaborative work with Portuguese and Math teachers, Janaína Mandú and Abraão Irineu who are also developing projects associated to reflection and promoting of Human Values.
The action has began with the exposition of the film Wonder ( 2017) by the teachers who since then have developed others related activities to the subject such as lectures, discussions and digests that had as objective to develop the students critical analysis. According to the teachers’ ideas and BY STUDENTS’ SUGGEST we brought the idea of the Simulated Jury to our class, promoting, in fact, the student Centered Approach.The simulated jury's proposal was to judge her behavior in front of other aspects such as wife, professional and mother of another child. Themes such as human values, family and education were discussed in an argumentative way in a space of defenses and accusations.
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